Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Review || Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair

Hey guys!
I realised that I haven't done a full review of a product for a while, so thought that I should review one of my recent purchases, which is the Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime Omega Repair Beauty Balm hair treatment by Claudia Schiffer. This hair BB is for damaged, depleted hair that needs a lot of TLC.
There are three different ones to choose from. I chose the Omega Repair as my hair is very dry and brittle from overusing hair bleach and heated tools. This product is the best hair remedy which works ASAP and makes your hair feel light, soft and extra bouncy. What I noticed after using this product is that it made my hair very easy to comb through and it didn't even look flat, like it usually does. So not only does this product save hair, but it also improves it and gives it volume!
I have been so excited for Claudia Schiffer's haircare range to come out, as I have always been struggling with the state of my own hair, and her being a blonde like me made it easier for me to buy as I know that she dyes her own hair the lightest shade of blonde. I have tried so many different products over the past 5 years since I first dyed my hair, and because I keep changing my hair colour between platinum, brown and blonde, it never is in the state I wish it was. I've been trying to grow my hair out for about 3 years now as it sued to be long and healthy but then boom! I dyed it brown and had to bleach it when I got bored with the colour. Ever since I keep damaging my hair intentionally and I try to stop myself so it finally grows out, but it takes too long and I, being a Capricorn, am very impatient!!
The packaging of this product is quite small and handy. It looks like something hairdressers would use at an expensive hair salon. It has a picture of Claudia on it, so everyone knows that it is one of her products. It explains what the product does at the back of the bottle and what type of hair it is for.
Here in this picture, my hair looks really soft and bouncy, - just what I was aiming for. The product's consistency is very similar to normal hair conditioners which you wash out. This one is to leave in after every wash. I recently had a haircut so I don't have split ends, however, some ends of my hair are still very dry as I didn't want my hairdresser to chop all of it off! This is where the treatment comes in and saves my life. Every time I use it, my hair feels like it's just been done by a professional hairdresser, and all I have to do is brush it because it doesn't need styling!
In this picture, you can see the length of my hair when it's only been brushed (excuse my lip scar). It is naturally wavy and most days I cannot be bothered to straighten it so I just leave it wavy or put it up in a bun. It's not as short as I thought it was and is much healthier than it ever was!
 Overall, I would rate this product 9/10 because it does an amazing job in keeping hair soft and shiny, with an anti-frizz formula (this is always a plus). I got it on offer for £3.49, but I think the normal price is £4.99 so it isn't pricey at all. Well worth spending money on, I will definitely buy this product again when I run out!! BTW my nails are by Barry M.
Lots of love,
Maya xo

1 comment

  1. Always on the lookout for great hair products, this I will be trying, thanks


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