Saturday, 31 October 2020

2020 || The Hallotober Tag - Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween my scary witches and warlocks!

I was tagged in this little Halloween Q&A by the lovely Kay from The Craft Room and Beyond to finish off this year's scary festivities!

This tag was originally created by Jordanne from The Life of a Glasgow Girl, and the rules are as follows:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post
  • Put the rules at the beginning
  • You can use the tag image somewhere in the post
  • Answer the 13 questions
  • Tag 13 people to do the tag
  • Delete question 13 and replace it with one of your own questions

Let's get into it!

1. What's your favourite thing about October?

- It definitely has to be the colours of Autumn. Everything around me is yellow and orange, and almost everything is pumpkin oriented! I do think that Halloween is my favourite holiday, but sadly I won't be celebrating it this year :(

2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?

- Yes! I love dressing up and decorating my home. Seeing kids smile as I give them lots of sweets and chocolate is also a bonus!

3. What's your favourite horror movie?

- I don't have a favourite as I get scared of most films, but if I had to pick one it'll have to be Insidious or Coraline.

4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?

- I've done both many times and had the best time ever, so I wouldn't turn either down. But I do prefer to combine the two together and have a monster bash at my house!

5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date?

- Harley Quinn back in 2015 - my boyfriend dressed up as the Joker!

6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?

- Well I haven't done the pinning one before so it'll have to be bobbing for apples 🍎

7. How do you celebrate Halloween?

- Eat loads of food, dress up, open the door to trick or treaters, and watch a scary film!

8. What's your least favourite horror?

- Anything gory, I hate movies like The Saw.

9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?

- Not really as I didn't go trick or treating much as a child.

10. What's your favourite thing about Halloween?

- Being able to dress up and eat all of the food!

11. Scary costume or silly costume?

- A mixture of both? 🤪

12. What's your favourite Halloween candy?

- Those mini bags of skittles! I can't find them anywhere this year though :(

13. Ghost decorations or skeleton decorations?

- Surely you can't make me choose just one?! Ermm... it'll have to be ghosts!

Thank you, Kay, for tagging me in your post! I had a lot of fun answering these questions 🥰

Now I want to tag ALL of you amazing people that are reading this post! You can share your answers over on your social media channels and tag me: @missmayasx in your responses!


1. What's your favourite thing about October? 
2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween? 
3. What's your favourite horror movie?
4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date? 
6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch? 
7. How do you celebrate Halloween? 
8. What's your least favourite horror? 
9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory? 
10. What's your favourite thing about Halloween? 
11. Scary costume or Silly costume? 
12. What's your favourite Halloween candy? 
13. Hermione Granger or Luna Lovegood? (Acceptable to say both)

Lots of love,
Maya xo

1 comment

  1. What a fun tag! We don't really do Halloween here so we don't trick or treat or dress up but it's fun seeing the costumes other people come up with in the US and UK :)

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :) We got through the storms safely yesterday which was a blessing!

    Away From Blue


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