Black Head

Sunday 17 April 2016

Review || Pil'aten Black Head Pore Strips

Good Morning Everyone!

Who doesn't love a good old pamper day! I try to exfoliate and do face masques twice a week as I find that wearing makeup every day takes its toll out on my skin. My favourite products for exfoliation is the St Ives Apricot Scrub and any of the Clean&Clear scrubs. Before applying proper face mask I use black pore strips which are fantastic for clearing and opening up the pores. As you can see, I have already used a few which is enough for me to review this product thoroughly.

Like I said, you get 10 masks in a pack for less than £2! Bargain of the century or what? Not everyone can afford Biore strips which are sold for around £6 which come in a pack of 6 sachets. This rounds up to £1 per strip (you only get nose strips). I don't know about you, but I do love a bargain, and that is exactly what you get if you buy Pil'aten products.

The consistency of this mask is very smooth and thick so when you apply it you have to be careful as it goes everywhere and is quite hard to wash out. It has to be rubbed into your pores for best effect and then you should wait until the mask starts to peel itself off as this tells you that the dirt is ready to pop out of your skin - sounds grim, I know. Once the mask dries you should peel it off slowly from the bottom up in order to get as much dirt out as possible. Just to warn you - it does pull out little hairs too, so if you have really sensitive skin I wouldn't recommend this as it might leave you with some inflammation. I personally love to look at the mask after I peeled it off as it shows me how much dirt it got out of my skin and it is just satisfying!

Did I mention that you can apply this mask all over your face? Well, you can! It doesn't come in a form of a strip which I thought it would, making it easier to target the areas you really want to clean - such as the T-zone and chin, cheeks etc. It is hands down the best mask I've ever used in my life so far and I will never stop re-buying it.

What skincare products do you use? Have you ever tried pore strips?

Lots of love,
Maya xo
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