Saturday, 20 September 2014

Pre-University Celebrations

Good Evening Fashionistas!
I wanted to share with you one of the most special night out I've had recently. It was for one of my best friend Robyn's 18th birthday meal and we had such a blast! Our friendship group is so perfect, I wouldn't change it for the world. As we have all decided to do something different with our lives this year, we won't be able to see each other as often as we used to which makes me very sad as I just cannot live without those girlies! They are the butter to my toast and the milk to my tea with a hint of brandy ;) For our last night out together we went to celebrate Robyn's birthday at the Fat Cat Restaurant which gives 50% off on food and 20% off on drinks with an NUS card! How amazing is that?! The food was amazing. We all ordered a round of cocktails, and mocktails is some cases! Overall we had virgin strawberry daquiris, pina coladas, and screaming orgasms. They were all so delicious!! You cannot go wrong with a 2 4 1 offer! I ordered garlic green beans as my side and a avocado chicken couscous salad as the main. OH MY GOD were they delicious or what?! It was the nicest meal I've had in ages, it was so girly and cute I loved it!!! For dessert I ordered the apple crumble which came in a milkshake glass with ice cream!! Oh sweet Jesus, it was the best apple crumble I've had in my entire life! It was just so perfect, I can't even describe it. I reckon that's what rainbows taste like!!! Anyway, I've attached some photos from my night out in this post, hope you guys enjoyed reading about my fantastic night out!!
Cute little outfit, very appropriate for raving at Rock City!!
Lots of love,
Maya xo


  1. Great post, the food looked amazing ! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  2. Wow the drinks look so tasty! Great post, stumbled across you on bloglovin loving your blog so far.


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