Blogmas 2017

Thursday, 7 December 2017


I was recently tagged in The Sunshine Blogger Award post by the lovely Chloe from Tints of Autumn. The rules are that you have to answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you, and then come up with your own 11 questions and nominate 11 bloggers, and so on and so forth.

Here are the questions I was asked to answer:

1. What is your favourite season and why?

I definitely love Autumn the most as it's still quite warm outside but there are no horrible bugs anywhere! I would usually say that Summer is my favourite season but I can't stand insects and other nasty creepy crawlies that come with it!!

2. Who's voice could you not live without?

My mum's ❤️

3. What do you love most about the blogging community?

I love how supportive some bloggers can be. It's so difficult to share your feelings and opinions online, but the blogging community makes me feel like I can open up to my readers and speak about important issues which need addressing.

4. What is your favourite blog post you've ever written and why? (link it!)

Erm, I don't particularly have a favourite post but if I had to pick one it would be my Rome Travel Guide, as it is definitely something I'd love to have read before I visited the capital. It took me a long time to write this guide and I am sort of proud of it, so do give it a read if you're planning on going to Italy, or have already been and want to compare our experiences!

5. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Probably the one where I get chased by some weird monsters hahaha?? I don't know, all my dreams are weird tbh!

6. Where in the world would you most like to travel to?

Definitely anywhere in the USA. I'm hoping to go somewhere exciting next year, so finger's crossed!!

7. What did you last watch on Netflix (or the last thing you watched if you don't have it)

I think it was 5 Children & It? I've never seen it so it had to be done on Sunday afternoon with dinner! The last thing I watched that wasn't on Netflix was Grey's Anatomy on Amazon Prime - I started watching it from the beginning because I love this show.

8. Favourite lipstick shade and brand?

My favourite lipstick has to be Brave by MAC as it was my first luxurious lipstick and the shade really compliments my makeup, no matter what I wear.

9. The life motto you live by is...

Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

10. Who means the most to you?

Hmm. This is a tough question because there's a lot of people in my life who are very dear to me and mean the world so I can't just choose one. It'll have to be my family and boyfriend as they have helped me through difficult times and I couldn't be more grateful.

11. Sum up your life in one word.


Now you've read my answers, here are my questions:

1. What is your biggest achievement so far?
2. What was your favourite subject at school, and why?
3. If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be and why?
4. Have you ever found yourself in a writers' block?
5. How long have you been blogging for?
6. Do you think you could blog as a full-time job?
7. What career did you want to have when you were little?
8. What is your favourite memory from childhood?
9. Do you have a favourite beauty product that you swear by, if so, what is it?
10. Who's your favourite influencer and why?
11. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

The bloggers I nominate are:

Hannah from Luxury Blush
Kate from Kate Loves Makeup
Candice from The Blog Social
Kate from It's Kate Rose
Emma from Emma Lisa
Lauren from Lauren Ann Beauty
Isobelle from Isobelle Jane
Chloe from Coco V London
Katie from Life With KTKinnes
Abby from Abby Clare
Justine from Girl Gone Dreamer

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Wednesday, 6 December 2017


You might have already read my Blogmas Day 1 post and seen that I picked up a few lovely bits on one of my trips to Primark. Of course, I had to go back to see if they had brought out more festive goodies. I picked up the most gorgeous tea towels for only £3.50 and I couldn't be happier! I usually buy my tea towels from there anyway but these festive ones were a must-buy.

I also bought the cutest little gingerbread men tealights for around £2! I know for a fact that I'm going to feel awful when they start melting but they'll make amazing picture props in the meantime!
Anything to do with gingerbread screams 'festive' to me, so you can only imagine how excited I was to find such bargains! I really want to make my flat look very cosy this Christmas but I'm still waiting for some bits and bobs to arrive before I show you all my first ever Christmas decorations at my own place. They probably won't be as nice seeing as I'm currently trying to save up for a house so we're living on a budget until we can figure things out, but I'm excited to share with you the next days of Blogmas 2017!

What's your must-have Christmas decor?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Tuesday, 5 December 2017


I don't usually ask for much when it comes to Christmas presents as I have a part-time job so whatever I want/need I just pay for it myself, so you can imagine how difficult it was for me to come up with a Christmas list for 2017.

1) Thierry Mugler Aura Fragrance Set
I remember walking into Debenhams in the summer and coming across this beautiful and unique fragrance. I was on my way to get some euros for my holiday to Rome and the money office just happened to be right next to the fragrance department and of course, I took a detour...
I don't think I ever loved a fragrance as much as this one. Mugler's Alien is definitely one of my all-time favourite scents to wear this time of the year but since I ran out of it a few months ago I thought it was the perfect time to ask for this newbie to be added to my collection.

2) Lilo & Stitch Pandora Charm
Not sure if many of you know this already, but I used to work at the Disney Store for over 2 years and have recently left my position as a Cast Member. Disney was a big part of my childhood and I loved watching the movies as I was growing up, so you can only imagine how much I loved working for the company. I still feel very attached to the company and it will forever hold a special place in my heart, hence why I asked for a Disney Pandora charm this Christmas. I asked for this one in particular as I always loved the movie and my sister is my best friend, just like Lilo and Nani. Also, every time I'll look at my bracelet it'll remind me of my time working for Disney and my love for my Ohana.

3) Diptyque Candle 
Once, I was very close to buying one of these myself when I misheard the price of '£40' as '£14'... Come on now, £40 for a candle?! I don't think I'd ever spend this much on one myself but it's a great gift for home-makers. I'm currently looking into buying a house, so I want to start collecting nice bits and bobs for it which makes Christmas gifts a little bit easier. I also love Yankee and Bath and Body Works candles but they can get quite pricey. Another brand I love for luxurious candles is Jo Malone as they look so fancy and smell so good, plus I get some discount on them as I work for Estee Lauder Companies (win-win).

4) J. K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them Book
Joanne is one of my favourite authors since I was about 6. I love her style of writing and thanks to her, my childhood was filled with much needed magic. I also admire her as a person, she's always striving for greatness and is pretty much a Twitter Queen. Anyway, going back to the book - I wanted to get it when the screenplay came out as I love the cover of it but I'd much rather have the original book, because if I wanted to know the screenplay then I'd just watch the film!

5) Urban Decay Ultimate Basics Palette
This palette has been on my list for ages now, and hopefully, I'll be able to get it for Christmas! If not, my birthday is in January so I can wait til then hahaha!! I love matte shadows and this palette is perfect for this time of the year.

What's on your Christmas wishlist this year?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Monday, 4 December 2017


1) Love Actually:
This is probably one of my all-time favourite movies ever made, not just for Christmas! It's very heartwarming and a great film for the whole family to watch together.

2) Elf:
Well, what can I say?! This is the number 1 family movie. It is funny, it is sweet, it is suitable for kids from a young age... Elf is many people's favourite movie and an obvious choice for this list.

3) The Holiday:
This is the perfect movie if you fancy something light-hearted and need to restore your faith in love (or humanity in some cases). This movie always makes me appreciate older people and their past, as well as driving me to do more good deeds.

4) Home Alone:
Duh! I don't think there's much I can say about this film other than that it is something I grew up watching every year on Christmas Eve before bed. It has a lot of sentimental meaning to my family and I'm sure I'll be watching it in 20 days!

5) The Nightmare Before Christmas:
Some people will find this film scary and others will argue that it's a Halloween movie, but to me, it will always be a Christmas film I enjoyed watching when I was little.

6) A Christmas Carol:
Yet again, this film can be a little scary for little ones because of the ghosts in Scrooge's life, but it is a classic and a must-watch every Christmas for me.

7) The Polar Express:
I have a very fond memory of this movie as it was the very first time I watched a 3D film at the cinema. I loved the storyline and the characters in this film, and it will bring Christmas spirit to all the Scrooges out there!

8) Arthur Christmas:
I have only watched this movie for the first time a year ago, but I have seen it around 5 times since because of how good it is! I love how happy and excited James McAvoy sounds as Arthur, and it just melts my heart!

9) The Santa Clause:
I can imagine my dad really enjoying this film, I'm not sure if he's already seen it but it's his type of humour! It'll definitely make its way on my movie playlist this season.

10) Fred Claus:
Last but not least, a Christmas comedy that's worth watching! I absolutely adore Vince Vaughn, I think he's a fantastic actor and any film with him is great but this one is definitely one of the best!

What do you like to watch during the festive season? Can you recommend any more movies for me to watch?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Sunday, 3 December 2017


Do you find yourself running around the shops trying to find the perfect gift for someone who's difficult to buy for? Well, here's a little gift guide for older women that are difficult to buy for!

Personally, I love reed diffusers and can't get enough of them as they make my house smell amazing all year around. This little Linea set from House of Fraser will make an amazing gift for home-makers and those who like scented things in general but not wanting any more candles, haha... If you fancy splashing out a little bit then I would also suggest looking at the Jo Malone or Molton Brown reed diffusers.

Another gift you could look into is high-end accessories. I got these beautiful Erdem knee-high socks from H&M when they did a limited edition collaboration in November, however, I know you can still get these from time to time if you keep checking online. You can find some similar at House of Fraser by Biba if you're wanting to save a bit of money.

This weather has really been horrible the past few days and I've found myself having to apply ten layers of hand cream in order to treat my dry and cold hands when all I really needed was a good pair of gloves. I got these gorgeous Gucci-style gloves from Primark for only £8 and I think they'll make a great gift for those who are always cold! They can make any outfit look very stylish and effortless, and for only £8 you got yourself a bargain.

What will you be buying for your loved ones this year?

Lots of love,
Maya xo
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