
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Lush Haul

Hi everyone!

Who else is having January blues? The only good thing about this month is my birthday but I did feel slightly depressed about turning 20! With tons of assignments and exams to do this month I thought that the most relaxing thing a girl can do is have a lush bath! So I went to my local Lush store with my sister the other day and with the help of lovely Robyn, I picked out many things to try out. Can I just say how nice she was! Oh my, she was the perfect employee treating me with respect and as a friend making that special connection which makes me want to return there already!

So the things that I've bought are:
- Granny Takes a Dip Bubble Bar
- Sex Bomb Bath Ballistic
- Rose Jam Bubbleroon
- Lover Lamp Bath Bomb
- Big Bang Bubble Bar
- Intergalactic Bath Bomb
- The Experimenter Bath Bomb
- Oral Pleasure Tantric Toothy Tabs
- Dirty Toothy Tabs
- Golden Handshake Hot Hand Mask
- Honey Trap Lip Balm
- Whip Stick Lip Balm

The Big Bang Bubble Bar caught my attention straight away because of the colours and scent. It smells really citrusy and I can't wait to try it out!

I've always wanted to try Sex Bomb! It is so girly and pretty, just what a girl needs! It smells amazing.

Oh just look at it! It is soooo pretty! I can't wait to try this out but I don't want to ruin it :((

Robyn advised me on how to use this and you're meant to melt it in a bowl with hot water and either soak your hands in the bowl or wrap them up in foil after applying the cream. I really want to use it but I don't want to use it all up cos it smells amazing!!
You probably already know why I picked this bath bomb haha. Yes it is very colourful and just what I like to see around my bathroom. I can't wait to use it! I hope my bath will turn all sort of colours.

This bath bomb is sooo glittery! My hands were covered in it as soon as I got it out the wrapper. You ant see it very well but there's lots of it inside as well. Eeeek!

I'm pretty sure that this bath bomb is limited edition for Valentine's Day - the name kind of gives it away... I love the detail of the love hearts around it - Robyn showed me how fast it fizzes in the water and that it has cute little edible heart bits inside it that dissolve - quite similar to Stardust.

I've never tried any of the toothy tabs but saw the Oral Pleasure ones at the till so picked them up and then was advised to try the original minty ones first as the taste isn't very pleasant the first time you try them out. I don't know whether I should be excited or scared?

Now, this is any blogger's all time favourite. I can't believe that I've never bought this before.. How silly of me! It's colourful and smells amazing - end of.

The lovely Robyn sneakily put the Whip Stick lip balm in my bag for me to find when I got home! How sweet of her!

Have you tried any of these products? If so, which ones were your favourite?

Lots of Love,
Maya xo
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