
Monday, 14 August 2017


Oh dear, my hair journey... ha! Where to begin? Let's start from the first time I dyed my hair - I was a very self-conscious 13-year-old who felt the need to do everything to not look like 'me'.
I was in a very bad place at the time because of bullying and trying to settle in my new school, but now I wish I never touched my hair.

I had beautiful golden blonde hair which was long and healthy, it wasn't very thick but it was definitely thicker than it is now. I begged my mum for months to let me dye my hair and she finally did which made me very happy. I kept bleaching my hair until the age of 15 when I decided I wanted to have brown hair?! - If you're thinking about dying your hair brown but you're a natural blonde, make sure you speak to a professional beforehand, because me going brunette was the worst decision ever. After a couple of weeks, I got bored of my dark hair and wanted my blonde hair back. Oh, boy was it hard to go back to blonde then! I bleached and bleached and bleached my hair until it went a horrible bright orangey-yellow colour and very bad condition.

For my prom, I wanted to have long and curly hair but did I f**k... The hairdresser I went to BURNT MY HAIR OFF!!! She burnt my hair off the DAY of my prom.... The condition of it was so bad that all was left for me to do is have it cut really short and re-grow it. When I say short I don't mean Pixie-cut short, I mean above shoulder-bob-length which I hated. Thinking back now, I should have sued the woman! She was so rude as well, not helpful when it came to me picking out a hairstyle at all... and the fact that she did not dry my hair properly and using styling irons which weren't suitable for wet hair on me made me so angry. But, you live and you learn...

After 5 years of trying to grow my hair out and dye it less, I can say that I'm finally happy with the condition of it due to this routine and these products:

My current hair care routine consists of scrubbing my scalp every time I wash my hair - 2-3 times a week, depending on my plans. Once I've scrubbed my scalp and got rid of all the dry skin, excess product etc. I then move onto shampooing and conditioning my hair as normal, I have recently been using the whole Lee Stafford Hair Growth range and I've noticed a massive difference in the quality and length of my hair already. Once a week I will use a hair mask to nourish my hair, I love this one from Lush and any of the Lee Stafford ones.

I used to wash and straighten my hair every day for at least a year, so I have cut down a lot on using heated tools. When I was regrowing my hair properly I refused to use any heated tools and just let my hair dry naturally and put it up using scrunchies or invisibobbles.
Now, I blow dry my hair every time I wash it because now that I'm older I take care of my appearances more than I used to, and from time to time I'll either curl or straighten my hair too. I have been really enjoying using Lee Staffords' Coco Loco Heat Protecting Mist as it smells bloody amazing, and works wonders for my hair too! Jeez, this sounds like a sponsored post but it really isn't! I paid for all these products with my own money and I only buy hair care products when they're on offer anyway.
Another issue which bugs me is that my hair falls out so much every time I brush it... I know it's normal to have up to 100 strands of hair to fall out but my hair is thin enough as it is!! Would you recommend any hair products or how to reduce hair fall out?

Have you ever been through something similar? What are your holy grail hair products?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Lush Haul

Hi everyone!

Who else is having January blues? The only good thing about this month is my birthday but I did feel slightly depressed about turning 20! With tons of assignments and exams to do this month I thought that the most relaxing thing a girl can do is have a lush bath! So I went to my local Lush store with my sister the other day and with the help of lovely Robyn, I picked out many things to try out. Can I just say how nice she was! Oh my, she was the perfect employee treating me with respect and as a friend making that special connection which makes me want to return there already!

So the things that I've bought are:
- Granny Takes a Dip Bubble Bar
- Sex Bomb Bath Ballistic
- Rose Jam Bubbleroon
- Lover Lamp Bath Bomb
- Big Bang Bubble Bar
- Intergalactic Bath Bomb
- The Experimenter Bath Bomb
- Oral Pleasure Tantric Toothy Tabs
- Dirty Toothy Tabs
- Golden Handshake Hot Hand Mask
- Honey Trap Lip Balm
- Whip Stick Lip Balm

The Big Bang Bubble Bar caught my attention straight away because of the colours and scent. It smells really citrusy and I can't wait to try it out!

I've always wanted to try Sex Bomb! It is so girly and pretty, just what a girl needs! It smells amazing.

Oh just look at it! It is soooo pretty! I can't wait to try this out but I don't want to ruin it :((

Robyn advised me on how to use this and you're meant to melt it in a bowl with hot water and either soak your hands in the bowl or wrap them up in foil after applying the cream. I really want to use it but I don't want to use it all up cos it smells amazing!!
You probably already know why I picked this bath bomb haha. Yes it is very colourful and just what I like to see around my bathroom. I can't wait to use it! I hope my bath will turn all sort of colours.

This bath bomb is sooo glittery! My hands were covered in it as soon as I got it out the wrapper. You ant see it very well but there's lots of it inside as well. Eeeek!

I'm pretty sure that this bath bomb is limited edition for Valentine's Day - the name kind of gives it away... I love the detail of the love hearts around it - Robyn showed me how fast it fizzes in the water and that it has cute little edible heart bits inside it that dissolve - quite similar to Stardust.

I've never tried any of the toothy tabs but saw the Oral Pleasure ones at the till so picked them up and then was advised to try the original minty ones first as the taste isn't very pleasant the first time you try them out. I don't know whether I should be excited or scared?

Now, this is any blogger's all time favourite. I can't believe that I've never bought this before.. How silly of me! It's colourful and smells amazing - end of.

The lovely Robyn sneakily put the Whip Stick lip balm in my bag for me to find when I got home! How sweet of her!

Have you tried any of these products? If so, which ones were your favourite?

Lots of Love,
Maya xo

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Review || Lush Cosmetics Butterball Bath Bomb

Evening my lovelies!

I recently purchased a new Lush bath bomb so thought I'd share what i thought of it with you. I picked up my all time favourite 'Think Pink' and a new addition 'Butterball'. So, from the name itself you can already tell that Butterball is a body butter in a form of a bath bomb, so the best time to use it is after having a shower and then hop in a warm bath with the bomb melted as it will soften your skin and make it smell amazing!

I didn't ask what this product was best for but I'm guessing it's mostly suitable for people with dry skin who need that extra moisture out of their body products!

The texture of the product was very crumbly and oily, which you would expect from a bath bomb and a body butter mixed together. The smell was amazing! I believe that it is honey scented and I love sweet  smells, especially when it comes to baths. 

You can see the butter chunks which are the yellowy shade. They melted in the hot water after a few minutes which made my bath smell amazing and body feel extra smooth. Once my body absorbed all the butter from the bomb it felt and smelt amazing for the rest of the day, I definitely recommend this product to people who like me, suffer from dry sin and are after that extra bit of glow for their dull skin, it's perfect to use before a date or a night out as it has bits of shimmer in it.

Have you tried this product? What did you think of it?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Friday, 6 February 2015

2015 || January Favourites

Hey beauties!
I cannot believe that it's February already! I swear it was September not long ago?!?! I have never done a monthly favourites post, however I thought why not share my most loved products with you guys?! I have been very poorly recently so most of my favourites this month are very Winter based - things that get me by through each day.
Pop tarts are my all time favourites. Bustin' Berry and S'mores are the best. This time I thought I will try the Very Cherry ones as I love cherries and why not try something new?
Green tea has always been my one true love. Correction - just tea in general. I feel much better when I drink green tea, as I feel like it cleanses my body from all the bad toxins. It also stimulates and speeds up metabolism so it's really good if you're trying to lose all the 'Christmas' weight!
DermaV10 is my new favourite skincare brand. I have reviewed this product here, and I must say it is one of the best face creams I have ever used. It is perfect for this weather as it's very thick and stays on your face for a whole day. Nivea SOS Lip Relief is great for chapped lips which are my worst enemy right now as I love wearing lipstick so badly!! But not to worry as this product is my salvation. I apply the balm before lipstick and it makes it lasts longer without drying out my lips at all.
I've always wanted to try this product and I finally got the chance to do so when I received this as a gift for my 19th birthday. I love the smell, the taste and it does a pretty good job of smoothing out my lips. Lush lip scrubs come in three different flavours - Bubblegum, Popcorn and Julips. I must have all three!!
I got this Tresemme Oil Elixir for Christmas form my mum and I have to say it does wonders to my fair. I have fine and brittle hair which needs a lot of TLC and this just does the job. I think it's £9.99 in Boots but it's so worth buying as it is a big bottle that will last you forever and you only need one squirt for all of your hair because you don't want it looking greasy. I definitely recommend it to anyone who' struggling with fragile hair.

Have you tried any of those products? What are your January favourites?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Review || Lush Cosmetics Sakura Bath Ballistic

Hi there my lovelies!
Who's a big fan of Lush cosmetics? Me, me, me!!! I love their bath bombs and ballistics so much! I've tried a few so far, including Think Pink and Space Girl and those two are my favourite so far, however this time I decided to go for this limited edition bath ballistic called 'Sakura'. On the description in store it said that it has a fizzing surprise inside and makes the whole bathroom smell like cherry heaven. I was very excited to use it, especially as I've been stressing out a lot about going back to college and applying for University is taking its toll out on me.
Neatly packaged! I really do like my local Lush store staff, they are all very nice and friendly! Just what a girl wants. The woman who served me was very helpful and knew literally everything about this product. I felt like I was in bath bomb heaven.
This is what the bomb looked like. It looks like an ostrich egg with spray paint on it. It smelled quite strong of cherries, it wasn't the most realistic scent but it smelled like a cherry lollipop which was also pleasant. It was very powdery and started to crumble in my hand so I had to chuck it in the bath!
That's what the colours looked like close-up.It looks a little bit like polystyrene, don't you think?
It kept fizzing and fizzing and fizzing and I could not find the 'surprise' anywhere... It smelled good for about 20 minutes and that was it. It did not colour the water either which was the biggest disappointment for me. Overall, I did not like this bath bomb one bit because of its lack of colour and smell. I would not purchase this product again.
I hope this review was useful to you guys, and will help with your future trips to Lush! Have a lovely Evening my beauties! :*
Lots of love,
Maya xo
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