March was a bit different for me than the past few months as the weather began to change into warmer days meaning that I've been going on more walks and trying to keep myself busy. Whereas the past few months seemed so dreary and not very enjoyable due to the cold!
In all honesty, I have been using the same products that I usually do in my skincare and makeup routine as I'm not in a position where I can spend a lot of money to try new things. However, I will try and change it up a little bit each month so I have something new to talk about! I do have a massive collection of beauty items that I have never opened so this might actually be a good excuse to start opening up some bottles!
In all honesty, I have been using the same products that I usually do in my skincare and makeup routine as I'm not in a position where I can spend a lot of money to try new things. However, I will try and change it up a little bit each month so I have something new to talk about! I do have a massive collection of beauty items that I have never opened so this might actually be a good excuse to start opening up some bottles!