Winter Drinks

Wednesday, 11 December 2019


*This post is sponsored and includes a gifted product.

I'm probably the biggest fan of chocolate and spice at the same time haha. I can't go a day without having something sweet as a treat, but I also have to have some sort of spice in my meals too so I thought why not combine the two? So I came up with my own little twist on a regular orange hot chocolate which I hope you will love as much as I do.

You will need:
Hot chocolate powder
Orange zest or essence
Ground cinnamon (I use Schwartz)
Milk of your choice


1. Measure out a mug (or two if you are treating someone else) of milk and pour it into a pan. Heat up the milk on slow heat and gently bring to boil.

2. While the milk is heating up, grate a tablespoon worth of orange zest (around half an orange) and add into the pan. You can add half a teaspoon of orange essence into the milk instead if you don't have any fresh oranges available.

3. Add 3 heaped teaspoons of the hot chocolate powder and half a teaspoon of cinnamon into the boiling milk and turn down the heat.

4. Stir the mixture constantly until it is fully heated. I like my hot chocolate very hot to warm up in winter so I usually keep it on the heat for 5 minutes after boiling.

5. Pour half the drink into your favourite mug and add any extras you desire. I usually add a generous helping of whipped cream and marshmallows with orange zest and cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Tip: If you are using fresh orange zest and don't like pulp-like texture then make sure you strain the mixture through a sieve before serving to ensure your hot drink is smooth.

This is my favourite hot drink to have during Winter. I find that it warms me up from the very first sip I take, but it's also quite filling so makes a great dessert or breakfast for all chocolate lovers.

As this post is a collaboration with Schwartz, I wanted to clarify that I buy all of my seasonings from this brand anyway. I believe that Schwartz offers the best quality and variety of herbs and spices on the market. You can purchase the Schwartz Ground Cinnamon spice that I have used in my recipe here.

*This post is sponsored and includes a gifted product, however, all my opinions are genuine and my own. This post does not include affiliate links.

What is your favourite Wintery drink? Have you ever made a spiced orange hot chocolate? Let me know if you're going to try my recipe!

Lots of love,
Maya xo
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