Sunday, 29 September 2013


Hello Fabulous!
I'm so naughty, haven't been posting much lately AGAIN!
I've just been so busy with college, seeing as I decided to choose different subjects to what I did last year so now I have to catch up with all the work, boohoo! :(
I will try and post as much as possible now, I realised that blogging also takes time as much as revision does -_-
Well, today I have made a collage of my new purchases, there's not a lot because for some odd reason my silly phone won't let me send pics to my laptop :S, so I will include the rest of the pics in another post via my phone. Hope this month at school/college/uni has gone as fast as mine has! There's just so much work to do nowadays, and I always finish doing my hw and revision around 7-8 so I barely have any time for myself therefore less time for blogging :(
Anyway, these are my new purchases:
Creepers, fur coat, tartan socks, books, shloer, American goodies, and some new DVD's.
I have bought many more things since then so watch out for my next post!
Mwahh :*


  1. Nice pictures :)

    Maybe we can follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin, if you want? Let me know :)


  2. Love this shoes.*__*
    Lovely greets Nessa


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