Hello everyone!
OMG it's April!!! Time has flown by so fast. Next thing we know we'll be all sitting down in exam halls trying our best to remember the answers to the questions! I don't know about you guys, but I've been so stressed recently due to coursework deadlines and exam revision.
I have recently been out shopping again. I needed new shoes and some everyday essentials, such as underwear. I went round a few shops but picked out the most things from Primark.
I got a pug cushion to add to my collection. My little bed is covered in cushions and teddies Kieran bought for me. This cushion was only £4 and is very soft!
The two pairs of knee high socks were just something I picked up because of the sale! They were 50 pence each from what I can remember and are very thick and fluffy so I will either wear them as welly socks or to bed on cold nights!
I always pick up at least one pair of frilly socks! This time I chose pastel pink to match the new bra!
The Peter Pan socks are also a match to my Peter Pan t-shirt! I feel so coordinated picking out matching outfits!
The daisy shade were needed. Especially at the price of £2!! Bargaaaain!!
And like I mentioned in my previous 'recent purchases' post, I always buy DVD's when I'm out shopping! This time I picked up a copy of Troy and the Gladiator. I love a bit of history, I do!!!

Dun dun duuuun! And here is a picture of the star of the post! Beautiful, pink Nike blazers!!! I've wanted to get some for a long time now but never had enough money. I saw these and instantly fell in love! There is nothing better than pink trainers that go with anything!!!

Lots of love,
Maya xo