Thursday, 10 September 2015

Review || Lush Cosmetics Butterball Bath Bomb

Evening my lovelies!

I recently purchased a new Lush bath bomb so thought I'd share what i thought of it with you. I picked up my all time favourite 'Think Pink' and a new addition 'Butterball'. So, from the name itself you can already tell that Butterball is a body butter in a form of a bath bomb, so the best time to use it is after having a shower and then hop in a warm bath with the bomb melted as it will soften your skin and make it smell amazing!

I didn't ask what this product was best for but I'm guessing it's mostly suitable for people with dry skin who need that extra moisture out of their body products!

The texture of the product was very crumbly and oily, which you would expect from a bath bomb and a body butter mixed together. The smell was amazing! I believe that it is honey scented and I love sweet  smells, especially when it comes to baths. 

You can see the butter chunks which are the yellowy shade. They melted in the hot water after a few minutes which made my bath smell amazing and body feel extra smooth. Once my body absorbed all the butter from the bomb it felt and smelt amazing for the rest of the day, I definitely recommend this product to people who like me, suffer from dry sin and are after that extra bit of glow for their dull skin, it's perfect to use before a date or a night out as it has bits of shimmer in it.

Have you tried this product? What did you think of it?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

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