
Friday, 1 May 2020


*The jumper in this image was gifted by Femme Luxe Finery and comes in a Frill Waist Loungewear Set.

I don't want to talk about the quarantine or lockdown as I find it a very stressful and difficult topic, but I want to say that my heart goes out to those who have lost their lives due to the virus and the biggest thank you to all the key workers for doing amazing jobs.

During the first week of official lockdown, I was supposed to be jetting off to Amsterdam after 5 years of planning my trip. It is okay to be upset about a cancelled trip. So, I have been keeping myself busy doing a few fun things during this difficult time and I thought I'd share them with you.

1. Play The Sims.
I have been playing The Sims since I was 6 years old. I really loved the original game and I feel like none of the new ones will ever compare to it because of the sentiment behind it. The Sims 4 was free on Origin at some point last year so of course, I had to download it. I have recently purchased the Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack because let's face it, the game isn't as fun without the expansion packs!

2. Learn a new recipe.
I really enjoy cooking and baking but I hate the mess I make during the process. Washing up is such a huge chore that I often stick to simple recipes that don't require plenty of pots and pans. Since buying both of the Pinch of Nom recipe books many months ago I haven't used either of them, not even once. Now that I have plenty of time to cook and clean up the mess after, I wanted to give some of the recipes a go. So far, I have tried the Firecracker Noodles (I used chicken instead of prawns) and have planned out a few more recipes to test out for the following week.

3. Join a book club.
I've been a member of Beth's Book Club for a year now, but never really stuck to the plan and only read the books I came across when passing WHSmith. Now I have finished reading one book from the club, and even though it was a book to read throughout February I still really enjoyed it and I can't wait to start May's book (I'm currently reading April's book - Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce).

4. Declutter your wardrobe, makeup and skincare.
This is not my strongest point as I do think that I am a bit (definitely not a bit) of a hoarder. I find it hard to chuck out a foundation sample that's three shades too dark for me, so think about the things I actually use! This year I have decided to go on a makeup and skincare spending ban, which has allowed me to use up quite a lot of beauty products already - I love me a good old empty! So far, I have not bought any beauty products and have only purchased a few items of clothing that I wanted for a while from Zara and NastyGal; overall I spent less than £250 on myself this year.
As I work in the beauty industry, I am lucky enough to receive a little bit of monthly credit to use towards a product purchase which I always disclose in my hauls/posts. So if I ever need anything that I'm running low on e.g. the Origins Mega Mushroom Treatment Lotion (I use this a lot) then I will use my credit to buy it, so technically it doesn't cost me anything. I also receive PR samples from PIXI and others from time to time, which I am very lucky and grateful to try. I know that not everyone is going to be in the same fortunate position as me, but you can try great skincare on a budget while you try to avoid overspending. Decluttering will also help to clear your mind and make you feel super organised!

5. Work out.
This is something that I do not enjoy doing at all but it makes me feel amazing after I did a kick-ass workout! I have recently tried going for a 5-10 minute jog and I absolutely hated it! So now I've been really enjoying doing a 30-minute Zumba workout in my kitchen (with the blinds shut of course haha) and I have loved every minute of it! It's so much fun, and I absolutely love Nicole!

So those are the few fun things I've been enjoying during the lockdown. Let me know what you guys are doing to keep yourselves busy!

I hope you're all staying safe ❤️

*This post contains affiliate links.

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Monday, 5 June 2017


I've lost track of how many times I've attempted to stay motivated and exercise a thousand times now with the same excuse - "I'll try again tomorrow". I've had enough now as I feel so bad about what I eat and how I feel on the inside when I don't work out, so I finally decided to eat cleaner (but not deprive myself of chocolate etc.) and work out more. I think what's motivating me the most right now is the fact that I'm going away in July so I want to feel good in my own body and reduce bloating! Honestly, even a cup of bloody tea makes me bloated now!

My absolute workout must-have is weights. Even if they are very light, such as 1kg, they make a huge difference and make any workout more intense and I always notice the difference whenever I'm able to move up a weight. The most important thing when using weights is to make sure you do it the right way. You can watch a very helpful video on how to tone up your arms with or without weights here. I always ensure that I have my gloves with me as my hands get really dry from doing weights, this helps me reduce the dryness and prevent getting calluses.

Another staple is a good sports bra. I'm currently loving this one from H&M. I feel like I work out better knowing I have nice sportswear and am comfortable. I'm currently obsessing over yoga tights - I have some gorgeous tie-up ones that make a cute bow on the calves from Primark which only cost me £3 in the sale (I bought them in black, and grey!).

My favourite gym top has to be the Ivy Park Oversized T-shirt as it covers my bum up (reduces the number of looks I get from both girls and boys) and covers up my sweaty back hahaha!! I don't think I'll ever be one of those girls who wears a sports bra as a top because I'm way too self-conscious. Also, if you already do or want to do Yoga then I suggest you wear a vest or a tight top as it makes it easier to move around.

My no.1 tip: ALWAYS stretch before and after exercise to reduce achiness the next day!

What are your staples for working out? Any particular outfit that you love to wear?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Friday, 16 December 2016


I get bloated really badly 90% of the time, every single day. It gets really exhausting and I've had enough. When I came across the company Skinny Coffee Club, I was very excited to find out that their coffee isn't only a saviour for the caffeine addicts, but also improves complexion, increases energy levels, makes you lose weight without having to exercise and tastes amazing.

The packaging is so cute, it looks like a little parcel - a gift to you from you :) It's very easy to store too as it isn't too big. My cupboards are full of seasoning, rice, pasta etc so I don't have a lot of spare space, but this little bag of heaven fits in there perfectly!

The taste is just phenomenal. I can't explain it.. I like the taste of normal coffee and I like the taste of green tea - combine the two and you've got the taste that I LOVE. It tastes fresh, and I feel energised 15 minutes after finishing off my cup. And the great thing about this product is that you only need one cup a day to see the results!

I highly recommend this coffee for all those who need help with losing weight but hate/don't have access to the gym. I actually have a gym membership and try to go as often as I can (usually 3 times a week) and work hard to gain muscle and tone up, but this coffee prevents me from getting bloated and I feel 10 lbs lighter every day just by drinking it.

Along with the coffee and gym, I try to eat healthily too. I cook my meals from scratch and always try to include a lot of veg as I feel like I don't eat enough of them. But, like I've said before you can drink this coffee on its own and notice amazing results just after a week. So, go on and give it a go!

You can use the code 'voguebymaya' for some money off!

Lots of love,
Maya xo
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