
Wednesday, 14 June 2017


When May decided to bring the most gorgeous week to England, I knew I had to get out the house and away from revision, so I decided to go to my local park in Wollaton. I believe it was around 28 degrees Celsius which is amazing for England! Shame the weather isn't keeping up with us now...

~Dress, Shoes & Bag are from Primark. Sunglasses are Oscar De La Renta.

Do excuse my bad roots - I'm in desperate need of a haircut & touch up but I find it very hard to trust hairdressers in my area as I'm never fully satisfied! :(

Kieran went all out taking pictures of me haha, I do love the fact that he takes my passion for blogging seriously and encourages me to work harder! This man is honestly amazing.

I feel like this outfit is so easily wearable! I remember when I bought this dress when it first came out and then my sister bought it as soon as she saw me wear it which not only is a huge compliment but it also means that it's suitable for all people, no matter what age or size. The mules are very comfy and I wear them literally alllll the time! And for the bag - do I need to say much? I mean, micro bags are very in right now (click here to see what's fashionable in SS17), plus the marble pattern is just music to my ears, or should I say heaven to my eyes??

What have you been up to during the lovely weather we had recently?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Friday, 9 June 2017


I knew that the initial release of the Hoola Lite wasn't for a while, so I decided to get this Cheek Parade palette which retails at £49, which isn't the most affordable palette however you get 2 bronzers and 3 blushers that usually cost £24.50 each. Another reason for why I bought this was that it actually includes the newest blusher Galifornia - yes, please!

The Benefit Hoola bronzer has been my favourite matte bronzer since the day I bought it (roughly around 1.5 years ago, and I must say it was a life-changer. So, when I heard about Benefit bringing out a lighter version of their original bronzer I was over the moon as I am naturally very pale so the original Hoola can sometimes seem a bit too dark to wear, especially in Winter. The Hoola Lite, on the other hand, I feel will be amazing for me to wear in winter or when I don't fake tan. I also feel like it'll be a great contour shade as it's more cool-toned than the original Hoola.

I love travelling and unfortunately, I don't travel light haha... I always bring a bag full of makeup so I thought that this palette would be great for travelling as it has everything you will need in it. I think that Galifornia would look great on its own as it has shimmer so will give an illusion of a highlighter.

Dandelion has been on my wishlist ever since I bought the Dandelion Shy Beam. I recently got back into wearing blusher after 5 years of swearing by bronzer and contour so I was pretty excited to start using this palette straight away. I find it gives a very natural blushed look which is perfect for every-day wear, especially for people who are a similar skin tone to me.

Last but not least, the Rockateur blusher. To be honest with you, I wasn't too fussed about it as the colours seem very similar to a blusher that I already own, but oh my is it a beauty! I love the shimmer in this blush, it's perfect for Spring as it adds a natural blushed look as well as some shimmer which can be a substitute for a highlight.

Overall, I must say this palette is amazing - it's not too big to travel with, you get a lot of product for your money which is great, and the products are great for all skin tones. The only downfall of this product is that it is still quite expensive compared to this set which actually has 8 products but costs less than 1?! Crazy - I just bought it as a treat for doing well at uni!

What do you think? Would you buy this kit? Have you tried any of the Benefit face products?

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Friday, 15 July 2016


Hey Everyone!

I've been battling with post holiday blues for two weeks now and I couldn't be more upset about not being out and about in the sunshine with my second half. However, I do have a few things to look forward to now that I'm back home, such as more time for blogging, working overtime to save up for the next holiday, and also planning a garden party!

In this post, I will share with you the places I visited while in Rhodes and what to do when you get there.

This picture looks so spontaneous but I actually knew Kieran was snapping a pic as he told me not to move! Oops! This was taken at the beautiful Oasis beach in Calithea. There are three beaches there that you just HAVE to visit - do it, you won't regret it.

We also went to the Butterfly Valley (Peta Loudhes) which was a m a z i n g. Even though I was very timid the whole time I was there, it was a wonderful experience as I had never seen so many butterflies in one place. You probably won't believe this, but as I walked down the hill in my big floppy hat, I must have touched the wall where the little creatures were resting AND THEY ALL FLEW INTO ME! I am not joking - there must have been hundreds of Red Admiral butterflies around me and I screamed and ran off. Yup, I ran off because I'm a scaredy cat and don't like no bugs near me!! I'll add pictures of the little ones in an upcoming post, so stay tuned!

We visited the famous 'Seven Springs' which is a beautiful forest on a mountain with 7 streams with drinkable water. This is perfect for those without children as you have to climb up quite high in order to see all streams and the animals that live up the mountains. We saw goats, ducks, swans and peacocks. I think the peacocks made me the most excited about the whole trip! The bus there and back only cost us 5 euros each, which is an amazing bargain.

Another beautiful place to visit is Calithea Springs - an old spa with cute little fountains everywhere. It's around 3 euros each way to get there and another 3 to get in, so it is best if you go there for a whole day as the city of Calithea has 3 beautiful beaches that Kieran and I had also visited.

You cannot go to Rhodes and not go on a boat trip to Lindos - it'll be just like committing a crime! We paid 25 euros each for the trip there and back, unfortunately[ snacks and drinks weren't included in the price so I suggest you bring your own with you as the products sold on the boat were quite pricey! Thankfully we brought our cooler bag with us and packed it with sandwiches, snacks, and drinks! 

Another important point I have to make about Lindos is that it looks exactly like Santorini!! I couldn't believe my eyes when we finally got there, it was so beautiful and I cannot wait to go back there again.

The gorgeous boats by the Lindos bay looked so cute I had to take a picture. What is a holiday without going on one of these and just keep swimming! 


Make sure you go for a long walk down the strips and visit all the shops so you can find the best deal on souvenirs. I walked around every single shop at least twice before making my mind up on what to get for everyone! You can call me crazy, but I had to save money somehow!

Are you planning on going abroad this year? If so, where are you off to? Let me know in the comments down below!

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

What To Do This Summer - Stay Active And Go Out More. Holiday Destination Revealed!

Hey Everyone!

It's nearly Summertimeeeeee!

I have recently been introduced to Eventbrite, which is an amazing website that shows all upcoming events this summer holiday where you can buy/sell tickets and plan out your own events! I decided to share with you some great ideas so you don't miss out on any fun this year! I will also state how much money you will roughly need to be a part of those activities so you can decide which ones best for you without breaking your bank balance!

If you follow me on Twitter, you would have seen me go on about how excited I am to go on holiday, which in fact is in less than 3 weeks time! I am beyond excited for it. Kieran and I had decided to go to Rhodes, Greece this year. It will be our third time in Greece, but the first time there together! I cannot wait to spend two wonderful weeks under the sun with the person I love. Watch out for many pictures and possible vlogs!

1) Festivals

I have never really been a massive fan of festivals, I'm not sure why. It could be due to feeling claustrophobic at concerts, but obviously festivals seem much more fun and more open. Some great festivals taking place this year include Glastonbury, Reading/Leeds, Download and Bestival (England), and Electric Daisy Carnival, Essence Festival, and Voodoo Experience (USA).
Let's all be honest now, festivals are expensive and not all of us can afford to attend. Therefore I'd say you'd need around £200/$300+ for tickets and spending money.

2) Museums

For those who appreciate fine art, I would highly recommend visiting museums. Maybe do a contest with your friends and see who will find the most precious painting/sculpture in each museum? I personally love the Picasso Museum based in Barcelona.
Depending on the city you're visiting, the prices will vary. E.g. The entry fee to get into the Picasso Museum were around €6, but Kieran and I got in for free as it was a Sunday afternoon (plan your trip for a Sunday to save money). Some of the greatest museums in England include the Natural History Museum, the Beatles Story and the British Museum.

3) Restaurants

If, like me, you're a big foodie then I would suggest visiting as many restaurants as you can, especially ones you haven't been to before. A fun thing to do would be pretending that you and your friends are food critics and then get back to each other with opinions of the food you had eaten. Some of my favourite restaurants include Tamatanga, Fat Cat, Las Iguanas, and Turtle Bay.
You will probably need around £20/$30 each time to fully enjoy yourself while dining out.

4) Europe

Europe is probably my favourite continent to visit, but I only say this because I haven't been out of it yet! The countries I had been to include Spain, Greece, Poland, Germany, England, Turkey and Tunisia. I know that holidays abroad can be very expensive, however if you look in the right places you should find a good deal! For example, last year I went to Costa Brava in Spain and Crete and both holidays were found at reasonable prices via which is a website I always turn to for best deals. At the moment, you can find amazing deals for Turkey, however I don't know if it's safe enough for travels yet!

5) Camping

Camping is the cheaper option of a holiday 'abroad' as it feels like you're in a completely different country. If you're a fan of everything that's green then this is perfect for you. Personally I hate camping! The lack of proper showers and toilet just depresses me, however I do love the nature side of it.
You will probably need around £80/$100 with you for food/equipment, so it's not too expensive.

6) Picnic

The cheapest possible option is having a picnic with your loved ones. All you will need to do is prepare food, such as sandwiches, soft drinks/alcohol and snacks and you're all set and ready to go! You can have a pic in literally anywhere! From your back garden to a park/forest near. And I promise you that you'll always have a great time.

7) Cinema

I know how expensive cinema trips can be nowadays, however you can't beat watching the latest movie with a bag of popcorn that's bigger than your head and a coke the size of your arm! I try to go on cinema trips as often as I can, however it's hard to find the perfect movie and partner to go with!
You will probably need around £10/$15 for a ticket but another £6/$10 for snacks!

8) Sleepover

And if the weather is miserable and you don't want to go outside, what better thing to do than host a sleepover?! Order pizza, have lots of snacks nearby, and watch films in a fort you built with your friends laughing! Honestly, this is probably my favourite option out of all of the above and I try to do it as often as I can, before I'm too old!

For any other ideas click here. Eventbrite has created a list of all the amazing things you could do this Summer so you don't miss out on anything! Let's all GOMO* this year! However, if you're a blogger or would like to organise an event yourself, then don't be shy and get started here!

*(Go Out More Often)

-Disclaimer- this post does not include any affiliate links and I am not being sponsored for it. These destinations and events are my own ideas and opinions.

Are you going anywhere abroad this year? Or maybe doing something fun locally? Let me know in the comments section down below!

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Thursday, 12 May 2016

#TBT to Barcelona

Hey Lovelies!

So I know I haven't shared many photos from my holiday to Spain with you guys but I have been reminiscing about it for the past few days so thought I'd share my experience with you!
So, me and Kieran went on our first holiday together to Costa Brava this time last year which is just half an hour's drive to Barcelona. Of course we visited the place - it was mesmerising. 

This picture doesn't look as good on here as it does on my iPad, I think it could be because it shrunk to fit in the post as it is a panoramic photograph that Kieran is very proud of taking haha.
I will just go ahead and post some pictures and occasionally mention what I'm wearing, but if you have any questions about a specific outfit/makeup/place then just ask me in the comments below and I will answer as soon as I can!

I'm wearing a white and black swimming costume from eBay, canary yellow spaghetti strap mini dress and black hat from Primark, and Ray Ban sunglasses. I took this selfie on the beach in Costa Brava while exploring the place and climbing onto some rocks!

Look at that highlight though... I felt like the sun! I think I used my trusty MUA in Iridescent Gold. If you haven't already got it you need to go and buy it NOW!

I love Kieran's hair in this. It looks so long! He always gets it cut really short :(

Have you been to Barcelona or Costa Brava before? Did you enjoy it?

Lots of love,
Maya xo
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