
Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Good Morning Everybody!

I've been getting so much inspo from Instagram smoothie bowl pages that I wanted to create my own.

Smoothies are a massive part of my life anyway, I tend to have at least 3 a week because they give me lots of energy and just make my mornings 10 x better!

For this smoothie bowl I had used:
-a handful of frozen berries
-half a frozen banana
-almond and coconut soya milk
-special K cereal with red berries

This is what has come out of it! I don't know about you but I think that's acceptable for my first attempt haha!! At the end of the day, it was really yummy and healthy and filled me up for the whole morning!

Have you tried a smoothie bowl? How did it turn out? 

Lots of love,
Maya xo

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Food, Glorious Food

Hi Guys!
Who doesn't love food? I am such a massive food lover, I will spend ridiculous amount of money just to try new things. Recently I thought I'd make a Milky Way chocolate cake for everyone in my family to try, and it was delicious.
I used two chocolate cake mixes to make the cake and dark chocolate, Milky Way stars and crispy rolls for the decoration.
The stars started to melt which made the cake taste even better!
Me and my boyfriend also ordered some dominos pizza that day. It was delicious!
The next day my mum made the best home made burgers ever. I can't even describe the flavour, it was so magical.
Lots of love,
Maya xo

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Food Supplements for a Healthier You

Hi guys!
Today I wanted to talk about how important food supplements are. I have been taking vitamins for a good 2-3 years now, and I try not to forget to take them daily. Like many girls, I've been trying to grow my hair for a while now. I'm well known for bleaching and dying  my hair different colours, which has actually ruined my hair so badly that I had to have it short for around 3 years now. I stopped changing my hair colour non stop last year, and only get highlights done whenever I go to the hairdressers for a trim. It really is true what they say about having regular trims and hair growth. If you have your hair chopped every 6-8 weeks then it will grow faster as it will stop breaking off. I never believed it until I tried it. now I have regular trims and noticed a huge difference in my hair length to what it was like before I started having regular cuts.
I've read online that all fish oils have a great impact on hair growth, and speed the process up making your hair grow at least half an inch extra each month! The shopping had to be done.
As you can see, Omega 3 Fish Oil is really good for the heart's health, so faster hair growth isn't the only benefit form this supplement! 
Cod Liver Oil is apparently very good for skin, which is perfect from me as I suffer from combination skin which is dry in some places and oily in others. 
Of course, A-Z vitamins is the most important supplement you need, especially if you don't eat enough fruit and veg. The Tesco's own brand vitamins are actually very good, I've been taking them for a while now and I've noticed a huge difference in how I feel than when I had my other own brand A-Z.
If you have any questions then do not hesitate to comment or email me :)
Lots of love,
Maya xo

Friday, 18 April 2014

Healthy Diet Plan

Hello everyone!
Oh dear, I really do need to get into a routine of posting more on my blog! I recently decided to go on a diet, as I have got slightly bit rounder since I started my new job at Dominos Pizza (I can't resist a free pizza). I drastically cut down on fast food, such as Mcdonalds, Dominos, Chinese take away etc. I also stopped snacking, not altogether of course! I stopped eating excessive amounts of chocolate, sweets and crisps and replaced those fatty foods with fresh fruit and low calorie snacks. 
I decided to drink at least two smoothies a week, which are full of vitamins and minerals that will make my skin and hair much better. I thought I will take some pictures to add to this post of the last smoothie I made.
I used seedless grapes, two bananas, two kiwis (I added another one after I took this photo) and a Frugo juice. I regret not peeling the grapes as the skin did not blend in the mixer :(
I chopped the fruit and put it in the smoothie mixer. After they blended quite well I added the juice and some extra water for it to be smooth and runny instead of really thick.
And the results were amazing. This smoothie was very different to what I usually stick to, but it was a nice change and I will be definitely making this again :)
After my morning smoothie I thought I'd make a healthy lunch. I heated up canned tomato soup and added some spices to make it less sweet. I sliced a wholegrain bagel in half, and voilla! Lunch = sorted. :)
Lots of love,
Maya xo

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Favourite Midnight Snack

Hey Guys!
I wanted to make a quick post on what I have lately been eating which keeps healthy and full of energy. (something I probably shouldn't be eating at midnight...) 
I decided that I love raspberries. The sweet and sour mix of flavours just does it for me.
I try to eat my 5 a day, however I lead a very busy life so I barely have time to eat anything at all, hence why I always have 'midnight snacks'.

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